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Art Quote Of The Day – Grandma Moses

on Tue Jan 07 2025

“If you know somethin’ well, you can always paint it but people would be better off buyin’ chickens.” – Grandma Moses

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: A Witty Take on Life’s Uncertainties

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this quirky journey called life, it’s that sometimes you have to embrace the undefined. After all, asking for clarity is like trying to get your cat to take a bath—an exercise in futility and laughter. So, let’s dive into the beautifully chaotic world of not knowing, shall we?

Picture this: you’ve got a blank canvas in front of you. You know all about the colors, the brushes, and how to wield them like a maestro with a baton. Yet, instead of conjuring up a masterpiece, you find yourself daydreaming of chicken coops. Yes, chickens. Why? Because maybe life would be a lot simpler if we just bought chickens instead of obsessing over the unknowns.

Think about it. Chickens are straightforward. You feed them, they cluck, and if you’re lucky, you’ll have breakfast sorted. It’s a classic exchange: you invest in your feathery friends, and they reward you with delicious eggs. Meanwhile, we humans are out here trying to paint the next great masterpiece of our lives without realizing that the canvas is forever shifting.

Life’s unpredictability is a lot like trying to mix oil and water. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, someone tosses a bucket of confetti into your finely curated plan. And just like confetti, those undefined moments are messy but memorable. They have a way of reminding us that control is an illusion and spontaneity is often a better companion.

So, when it feels like you’re standing before a blank canvas trying to conjure clarity, remember: you can always paint it, but it might be better to simply buy some chickens instead. Focus on the tangible, the immediate rewards, and enjoy the clucking chaos of life.

Embrace the undefined! Mix it up, roll with the punches, and remember that not every moment needs to be painted in the lines. Own those moments of uncertainty because, in the grand scheme of things, sometimes you just need to settle down, feed your chickens, and let life unfold in its own perfect, unpredictable way.

After all, who wants to be overly ambitious when chickens are just a purchase away? Embrace the undefined, and you just might find that the simplest things bring the greatest joy. So let’s raise a toast (with a side of omelet, of course) to life’s beautiful messiness! Cheers!