Nature quote of the day
on Mon Nov 13 2023
“The view of Earth is spectacular.” – Sally Ride
“The view of Earth is spectacular.” – Sally Ride
“Beauty in art is often nothing but ugliness subdued.” – Jean Rostand
“Nature is never finished.” – Robert Smithson
“An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.” – James Whistler
“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.” – David Icke
“America forms the longest and straightest bone in the earth’s skeleton.” – Ellsworth Huntington
“All nature wears one universal grin.” – Henry Fielding
“Nature scarcely ever gives us the very best; for that we must have recourse to art.” – Baltasar Gracian
“Read nature; nature is a friend to truth.” – Edward Young
“I think you can leave the arts, superior or inferior, to the conscience of mankind.” – William Butler Yeats